St Ethelbert's, Alby people and services


Canon Heather Butcher was appointed to scarrowbeck benefice to the position of Interim Priest in Charge (part-time) for a period of three years.

We have an experienced priest in Heather who has recently retired as Team Rector in the Launditch and The Upper Nar Team Ministry Benefice, was on Bishop’s Staff as Dean of Women’s Ministry and has ministered in other areas of the Diocese, as has her husband Revd Philip Butcher.

Heather and Philip will continue to live in their own home in Aylsham, some 3/4 miles from the benefice.

To contact Rev Heather the details are -, 25 Muskett way Aylsham NR116GF, or 01263 735922

For all other matters please contact the churchwarden

Churchwarden and secretary - Meiki Green  01263 761480

Treasurer - Pat Postle 01263 734156


The churches remain open for private prayer

Please see 'Keeping in Touch' front page or services for the current month folder



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